
Monday, 22 February 2016

Termination Destination Inspiration at A Vintage Journey

Hi everyone....Annie here with my last post for A Vintage Journey. I am very sad to be leaving this totally wonderful team, many of whom I have met in person. I will miss their regular chats and sharing of  projects/information, however, it's time for another of life's journeys to begin and I am taking a different route so will only be posting occasionally here on the blog.

I do hope you can pop over to AVJ by clicking HERE to check out the step by step, meanwhile I am tempting you with a sneaky peak!!!!
Thank you for dropping in and for taking time to leave me a comment. Your words are truly appreciated.

Huge Hugs xxxxx

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  1. Absolutely beautiful. I do love the colours too. I'm sure you will be missed as part of the team and hope you return to your blog with more of your interesting projects. Hugs Mum xxx

  2. Your card truly is a delicate and feminine vintage creation Annie . Such a beautiful scene of wildflowers enhanced by all your chosen elements. Thank you for sharing your step by step . Wonderful use of the travel back goodies .
    Wishing you all the best Annie in the next phase of your life journey - Hope it will be flled with many happy times and good health . You will be missed
    hugs x

  3. Oh Annie! Here I come for a catch up (haven't been up to much since my op!) to find that you won't be around. I am sure the team will miss you! Look forward to seeing what you are up to now! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. Hope you have fun with your next adventures in life Annie, I will miss your gorgeous creations on the team. Your card today is a real showstopper.
    Hugs, Julie x

  5. This is a wonderful piece, you will be missed i'm sure. Good luck with what you do next and I look forward to seeing more of your art here on your blog.
    Yvonne xx

  6. A very soft, beatiful card Annie. Sorry to learn you are leaving AVJ, you will be missed. Wishing you the very best of luck with new adventures and I hope that you will definitely still post on your lovely blog. Nicola x

  7. I just love your travel bag project Annie, it is so delicate and beautiful! I am definitely going to miss you at AVJ, you have been a wonderful team-mate but I do wish you well in your new adventures and hope that we don't become strangers! David and I both hope you enjoy the adventures that life holds for you! Big hugs, Anne xx

  8. Saw your beautiful card over at AVJ Annie, it is gorgeous! We are going to miss you so much at AVJ but wishing you many new adventures and joy as you embark upon this new life journey! Do stay in touch and keep us posted on where your travels take you, have fun! Deb xo

  9. Annie, I will definitely pop on over.
    I hope you will continue to blog, even if it is only now and again. I have much to thank your blog for, if you had not started a blog then we would never have connected! Annie, you know I wish only good adventures to come your way!

  10. So sad to be saying goodbye to you at AVJ and wishing you so much joy in all your new plans and ventures. It will always be lovely to see you here if you pop up, but for now have a wonderful time!
    Alison xx

  11. It's always sad to say goodbye to a team you love. I know they will miss you too. Good luck on your new life journey. I look forward to seeing the things you do post on your blog when you can.

  12. I've been on a little self prescribed hiatus myself and just wanted to pop in and say hello to you. Hope your other endeavors are treating you well. Miss you!
    Lisa x


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. I really do appreciate your comments and will always do my best to return them.

Annie x